Monday, June 1, 2009


It's pretty interesting, I think, how people get so excited about summer, yet stressed at the same time. I am absolutely thrilled about summer starting, getting to meet the new staff members and being in only one part of camp instead of all of it. At the same time, I'm stressed out. I have no idea who is going to be working under me, how we'll get along, and what is going to happen through the summer, plus all the work needing to be done to get ready for summer. If I had to choose a season I preferred, it wouldn't be summer, instead it would be either spring or fall. But if I had to choose a season of camp I prefer, it would be summer. As hectic as it can get, and with all the pranks and such campers like to play, I love it. Why? Because each and every week hundreds of people come to Christ. All right, yes, people come to Christ throughout the entire year, but there's something in seeing so many stand at once. I love Hume because it makes a difference. No matter where you work here, whether in Program, SS, Food Service, Admin, or any others, you still have a part in what happens each and every week when the speakers who come up challenge those kids. This is what makes my job worthwhile.

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